
want to see your project results of the turnaround anchored in day-to-day business and on a sustainable basis?


simulate changed business transactions and let your managers reflect those operational changes through functions in their day-to-day business roles, responsibilities and consequences.


ask your leadership team when cross-functional end-to-end collaboration works best, what needs to change urgently, and which tools, methods, and knowledge they need?


develop together with your management team along tried and tested business transaction simulations. The so-called “code of action for more commitment and transparency”, will lead to a high self-commitment when leading, regarding goals / MbOs, mutual support to achieve goals, the responsibility and feedback to give and take.


want to strengthen the operational earnings impact of the turnaround with a “One Firm” mindset shift and achieve the avoidance of functional silos and instead develop “cross-functional teams with comradeship”?


develop a strengthened “sense of togetherness”. A recognition of personal responsibility in selected business transactions. Benefiting by doing or omitting certain activities. Managerial decisions and functional experts can become “winning teams” through coaching and practical business transactions.


want to introduce a global perspective among your managers (board member, function manager, regional manager, division manager) about new quick working methods with a high level of responsibility, thus making transparency and commitment rules indispensable?


provide the possibility through workshop business transaction simulations (understanding of roles, code of conduct, commitment cards) to let dedication & transparency rules and their subsequent results to be experienced.


We offer you and your teams in our transformation simulation studio area tangible practical end products:

TSS 01

through active and collaborative change design, an arrival in the organisation and anchoring in day-to-day business

TSS 02
"Holistic understanding, buy-in and commitment"

on target agreements, business plans, sales, revenue and margin expectations, integrated key financial figures and KPIs for the desired collaborative work

TSS 03
"Effective change"

in collaboration between departments with negative consequences due to lack of transparency and lack of commitment (collective and individual)

TSS 04
"Positive motivation culture"

by rewarding collaboration and “tangible” results in the event of lack of transparency and lack of commitment

TSS 05
"Activation plan and multiplier identification"

along a “coaching” cascade from the management to the department management to the roll-out to the most important executives and experts including “train-the-trainer” nomination

TSS 06
"CEO involvement"

as a sponsor, driver and role model

TSS 07
"Intervention meetings"

between CEO, multipliers and business coach to discuss practical and current cases that do not yet achieve the desired result

TSS 08
"Multiplier business coaching"

to turn “affected persons” into “participants”: Commitment and transparency activation through activation workshops and content-related coaching on unified target agreements and business plans

TSS 09
"Individual and practical case studies"

through which a new way of working together and going through the buy-in and commitment process is experienced. This is done along the KPI and control model designed and introduced in the TOM 6 approach

NMC has put its fingers on the pulse of the times with its focus on the human factor among executives and functional experts. Away from theoretically best benchmark solutions, sprawling analyses and PowerPoint success theatre to business transaction simulation, supervision and customer-specific intervention with a direct effect on results…
