Which tools and instruments winners use in the turnaround

1. September 2023


In successful turnaround projects, six elements of the objective organisational structure are optimised with the help of the TOM Quick-Fix Suite and the results of this business transaction performance are substantial in the overall organisation by novel means of communication and visual change management. Today I would like to enlighten you as to which tools and instruments you can use to ensure that the “turnaround succeeds”. Allow yourself 2 minutes of your time for “successful turnaround tools and instruments”.

What manner of tools do winners typically use in successful turnaround projects?

In one of my previous motivational sessions, I explained “how winners successfully implement the turnaround”.

One time winners act consistently, instead of a lengthy steady progression. They stand in the way of advancement and the goals of the turnaround, do not let on about anything and embody necessary performance from KPIs.

Winners of successful turnaround programs use special tools and instruments

With the TOM Quick-Fix Suite, the six elements of the main goal of the operating units are basically optimised: Based on the definition of what the main goal of the operating unit should enable, the viable aim and organisation principles are primarily established.

We call this TOM 1. A typical organisational ethic, for example, the recommendation for flexible decision-making paths when dealing with customers at functions. In TOM 2, organisational structure, central processes as well as positions of responsibility will be corrected, etc.

Something to note perhaps is TOM 6, the so-called “Engagement Model”, which offers an efficient cross-functional collaboration structure.

If the framework of their goal is set with the help of the TOM Quick-Fixe Suite, a fine functional analysis is typically used to reveal any inefficiencies or duplication of work and waste of time activities.

This means that nothing stands in the way of an open-minded reduction in costs and the assurance of changed budgets and KPIs per viable unit.

On the basis of a reduced KPI and tighter control, results are resolute as to what happens if agreed guarantees are regularly not adhered to.

In order to effectively mobilise these guarantees, business transactions are voiced and discussed at the round table meeting, between operating crews with a clear view of what achievements lie ahead.

The results of these business transaction achievements are continued into the overall organisation through a wave of novel means of communication and steadily held through change management.

Do you have questions, or would you like to get to know our tools and methods for a successful turnaround better?

Feel free to ask your questions and send us your suggestions for the impulse “What winners use in the turnaround” via our Impulse Contact website or arrange a 15-minute impulse call at a time of your choice.


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